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Be a Purple Aider

You can be a HERO for yourself or someone in your life! Take action to raise awareness, stop bullying and teasing, support your friend, or make a new one by letting them know you care!

Start your own Purple Aiders Club at your school! We can send you a powerpoint presentation template to use, customize it for yourself and your friends, then share it with teachers and students to let them know all about epilepsy and first aid for seizures. Also, We will send you the Purple Aider Pledge for you and your friends/school to pledge. 

Then, just keep a supportive, positive attitude all the time! Be aware when kids with epilepsy don't feel well, recognize the signs of a possible seizure coming in, and stop everyone who tries to tease or bully!

And then take it a step further and help others raise awareness about other important medical conditions, illnesses or disabilities!

Together we can all celebrate the great things about each other and learn the true meaning of friendship!

Below are some of the things we use for a Purple Aiders Club! Contact us for help getting started!

(To be uploaded: video, ppts, t-shirts, buttons, stickers, posters, morning announcement ideas, etc.)
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